第51章 蘇曼研發的飛艇,漫遊者1號 (第2/3頁)
《華夏天才女科學家發明:新型氫能源飛艇,或可拯救全世界億萬人類》"Chinese Genius Female Scientist's Invention: New Type of Hydrogen Energy Airship, May Be Able to Save Hundreds of Millions of Humans All Over the World"
近期,由於外星文明的降臨地球事件,使得我們的世界遭受劇變。而且,不幸的是,未來幾天後,還將會發生一次史無前例的盤古大陸大地震。Recently, due to the event of the alien civilization's landing on the earth, our world has suffered drastic changes. Moreover, unfortunately, an unprecedented Pangu Continent earthquake will occur in the next few days.
就在全人類絕望之際,我們有一則好消息跟大家分享。在當今世界科技的最前沿,有一位23歲就被人們譽爲天才的華夏女科學家蘇曼,她帶領着自己的精銳團隊,不斷挑戰極限,終於成功研發出了一款令人歎爲觀止的新型氫能源飛艇。Just at the moment when all humanity is in despair, we have a piece of good news to share with everyone. At the forefront of today's world technology, there is a 23-year-old Chinese female scientist, Su Man, who has been hailed as a genius by people. She led her elite teaetallic luster in the sunlight, and every line seems to have been carefully carved, full of a sense of the future and the charoment when the airship starts, the hydrogen energy engine emits a low and powerful rumbling sound, like the roar of a giant beast, instantly breaking the tranquility. The powerful power drives the airship to rise into the sky rapidly, and it is like a brilliant meteor, cutting through the dark night sky.