
At that moment a voice from the other side of the gym was heard shouting out,“Pole ? Yes. I know where she is. She’s blubbing behind the gym. Shall I fetch her out ? ”

Jill and Eustace gave one glance at each other,dived under the laurels,and began scrambling up the steep,earthy slope of the shrubbery at a speed which did them great credit. (Owing to the curious methods of teaching at Experiment House,one did not learn much French or Maths or Latin or things of that sort;but one did learn a lot about getting away quickly and quietly when they were looking for one. )

After about a minute’s scramble they stopped to listen,and knew by the noises they heard that they were being followed.

“If only the door was open again !”said Scrubb as they went on,and Jill nodded. For at the top of the shrubbery was a high stone wall and in that wall a door by which you could get out on to open moor. This door was nearly always locked. But there had been times when people had found it open;or perhaps there had been only one time. But you may imagine how the memory of even one time kept people hoping,and trying the door;for if it should happen to be unlocked it would be a splendid way of getting outside the school grounds without being seen.

Jill and Eustace,now both very hot and very grubby from going along bent almost double under the laurels,panted up to the wall. And there was the door,shut as usual.

“It’s sure to be no good,”said Eustace with his hand on the handle;and then,“O-o-oh. By Gum !!”For the handle turned and the door opened.

A moment before,both of them had meant to get through that doorway in double quick time,if by any chance the door was not locked. But when the door actually opened,they both stood stock still. For what they saw was quite different from what they had expected.

They had expected to see the grey,heathery slope of the moor going up and up to join the dull autumn sky. Instead,a blaze of sunshine met them. It poured through the doorway as the light of a June day pours into a garage when you open the door. It made the drops of water on the grass glitter like beads and showed up the dirtiness of Jill’s tear-stained face. And the sunlight was coming from what certainly did look like a different world—what they could see of it. They saw smooth turf,smoother and brighter than Jill had ever seen before,and blue sky,and,darting to and fro, things so bright that they might have been jewels or huge butterflies.

Although she had been longing for something like this,Jill felt frightened. She looked at Scrubb’s face and saw that he was frightened too.

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简介:重生前,她为夫君披甲上阵。 没死在敌人的枪剑之下,却死在他亲信手中。 重生后,她目睹渣男和小丫鬟卿卿我我,打情骂俏。 终有一日,渣男落难,求她搭救,她冷眼旁观。 一纸休书,自由万岁。 谁知,当朝权倾朝野的宦官九千岁破门而入:“生下我的种,必须跟我走!”
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死遁后她身陷修罗场是由作者:经殿所著,三号中文网免费提供死遁后她身陷修罗场全文在线阅读。 三秒记住本站:三号中文网 网址:www.3hzw.com 死遁后她身陷修罗场
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