
And now they nearly had the first of those quarrels which Puddleglum had foretold:not that Jill and Scrubb hadn’t been sparring and snapping at each other a good deal before,but this was the first really serious disagreement. Puddleglum didn’t want them to go to Harfang at all. He said that he didn’t know what a giant’s idea of being“gentle”might be,and that,anyway, Aslan’s signs had said nothing about staying with giants,gentle or otherwise. The children,on the other hand,who were sick of wind and rain,and skinny fowl roasted over campfires,and hard,cold earth to sleep on,were absolutely dead set to visit the Gentle Giants. In the end,Puddleglum agreed to do so,but only on one condition. The others must give an absolute promise that, unless he gave them leave,they would not tell the Gentle Giants that they came from Narnia or that they were looking for Prince Rilian. And they gave him this promise,and went on.

After that talk with the Lady things got worse in two different ways. In the first place the country was much harder. The road led through endless,narrow valleys down which a cruel north wind was always blowing in their faces. There was nothing that could be used for firewood,and there were no nice little hollows to camp in,as there had been on the moor. And the ground was all stony, and made your feet sore by day and every bit of you sore by night.

In the second place,whatever the Lady had intended by telling them about Harfang,the actual effect on the children was a bad one. They could think about nothing but beds and baths and hot meals and how lovely it would be to get indoors. They never talked about Aslan,or even about the lost prince,now. And Jill gave up her habit of repeating the signs over to herself every night and morning. She said to herself,at first,that she was too tired,but she soon forgot all about it. And though you might have expected that the idea of having a good time at Harfang would have made them more cheerful,it really made them more sorry for themselves and more grumpy and snappy with each other and with Puddleglum.

At last they came one afternoon to a place where the gorge in which they were travelling widened out and dark fir woods rose on either side. They looked ahead and saw that they had come through the mountains. Before them lay a desolate,rocky plain:beyond it,further mountains capped with snow. But between them and those further mountains rose a low hill with an irregular flattish top.

“Look ! Look !”cried Jill,and pointed across the plain; and there,through the gathering dusk,from beyond the flat hill, everyone saw lights. Lights ! Not moonlight,nor fires,but a homely cheering row of lighted windows. If you have never been in the wild wilderness,day and night,for weeks,you will hardly understand how they felt.

“Harfang !”cried Scrubb and Jill in glad,excited voices; and“Harfang,”repeated Puddleglum in a dull,gloomy voice. But he added,“Hullo ! Wild geese !”and had the bow off his shoulder in a second. He brought down a good fat goose. It was far too late to think of reaching Harfang that day. But they had a hot meal and a fire,and started the night warmer than they had been for over a week. After the fire had gone out,the night grew bitterly cold,and when they woke next morning,their blankets were stiff with frost.

“Never mind !”said Jill,stamping her feet. “Hot baths tonight ! ”

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简介:重生前,她为夫君披甲上阵。 没死在敌人的枪剑之下,却死在他亲信手中。 重生后,她目睹渣男和小丫鬟卿卿我我,打情骂俏。 终有一日,渣男落难,求她搭救,她冷眼旁观。 一纸休书,自由万岁。 谁知,当朝权倾朝野的宦官九千岁破门而入:“生下我的种,必须跟我走!”
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死遁后她身陷修罗场是由作者:经殿所著,三号中文网免费提供死遁后她身陷修罗场全文在线阅读。 三秒记住本站:三号中文网 网址:www.3hzw.com 死遁后她身陷修罗场
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