
“That’s the question,”said Puddleglum,rubbing his big, frog-like hands together. “How can we now ? No doubt,if we’d had our minds on our job when we were at the Ruinous City, we’d have been shown how—found a little door,or a cave,or a tunnel,met someone to help us. Might have been(you never know)Aslan himself. We’d have got down under those paving-stones somehow or other. Aslan’s instructions always work:there are no exceptions. But how to do it now—that’s another matter.”

“Well,we shall just have to go back,I suppose,”said Jill.

“Easy,isn’t it ?”said Puddleglum. “We might try opening that door to begin with.”And they all looked at the door and saw that none of them could reach the handle,and that almost certainly no one could turn it if they did.

“Do you think they won’t let us out if we ask ?”said Jill. And nobody said,but everyone thought,“Supposing they don’t.”

It was not a pleasant idea. Puddleglum was dead against any idea of telling the giants their real business and simply asking to be let out;and of course the children couldn’t tell without his permission,because they had promised. And all three felt pretty sure that there would be no chance of escaping from the castle by night. Once they were in their rooms with the doors shut,they would be prisoners till morning. They might,of course,ask to have their doors left open,but that would rouse suspicions.

“Our only chance,”said Scrubb,“is to try to sneak away by daylight. Mightn’t there be an hour in the afternoon when most of the giants are asleep ? —and if we could steal down into the kitchen,mightn’t there be a back door open ?”

“It’s hardly what I call a Chance,”said the Marsh-wiggle. “But it’s all the chance we’re likely to get.”As a matter of fact, Scrubb’s plan was not quite so hopeless as you might think. If you want to get out of a house without being seen,the middle of the afternoon is in some ways a better time to try it than the middle of the night. Doors and windows are more likely to be open;and if you are caught,you can always pretend you weren’t meaning to go far and had no particular plans. (It is very hard to make either giants or grown-ups believe this if you’re found climbing out of a bedroom window at one o’clock in the morning.)

“We must put them off their guard,though,”said Scrubb. “We must pretend we love being here and are longing for this Autumn Feast.”

“That’s tomorrow night,”said Puddleglum. “I heard one of them say so.”

“I see,”said Jill. “We must pretend to be awfully excited about it,and keep on asking questions. They think we’re absolute infants anyway,which will make it easier.”

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簡介:重生前,她爲夫君披甲上陣。 沒死在敵人的槍劍之下,卻死在他親信手中。 重生後,她目睹渣男和小丫鬟卿卿我我,打情罵俏。 終有一日,渣男落難,求她搭救,她冷眼旁觀。 一紙休書,自由萬歲。 誰知,當朝權傾朝野的宦官九千歲破門而入:“生下我的種,必須跟我走!”
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