
“Hurrah!Now you’re talking!”cried Eustace,and Jill said,“But it’s not horrid at all up there. We like it. We live there.”

“I know you Overlanders live there,”said Golg. “But I thought it was because you couldn’t find your way down inside. You can’t really like it—crawling about like flies on the top of the world !”

“What about showing us the road at once ?”said Puddleglum.

“In a good hour,”cried the Prince. The whole party set out. The Prince remounted his charger,Puddleglum climbed up behind Jill,and Golg led the way. As he went,he kept shouting out the good news that the Witch was dead and that the four Overlanders were not dangerous. And those who heard him shouted it on to others,so that in a few minutes the whole of Underland was ringing with shouts and cheers,and gnomes by hundreds and thousands,leaping,turning cart-wheels,standing on their heads,playing leap-frog,and letting off huge crackers,came pressing round Coalblack and Snowflake. And the Prince had to tell the story of his own enchantment and deliverance at least ten times.

In this way they came to the edge of the chasm. It was about a thousand feet long and perhaps two hundred wide. They dismounted from their horses and came to the edge,and looked down into it. A strong heat smote up into their faces,mixed with a smell which was quite unlike any they had ever smelled. It was rich,sharp,exciting,and made you sneeze. The depth of the chasm was so bright that at first it dazzled their eyes and they could see nothing. When they got used to it they thought they could make out a river of fire,and,on the banks of that river,what seemed to be fields and groves of an unbearable,hot brilliance—though they were dim compared with the river. There were blues,reds,greens,and whites all jumbled together:a very good stained-glass window with the tropical sun staring straight through it at midday might have something the same effect. Down the rugged sides of the chasm,looking black like flies against all that fiery light,hundreds of Earthmen were climbing.

“Your honours,”said Golg(and when they turned to look at him they could see nothing but blackness for a few minutes, their eyes were so dazzled). “Your honours,why don’t you come down to Bism ? You’d be happier there than in that cold, unprotected,naked country out on top. Or at least come down for a short visit.”

Jill took it for granted that none of the others would listen to such an idea for a moment. To her horror she heard the Prince saying: “Truly,friend Golg,I have half a mind to come down with you. For this is a marvellous adventure,and it may be no mortal man has ever looked into Bism before or will ever have the chance again. And I know not how,as the years pass,I shall bear to remember that it was once in my power to have probed the uttermost pit of Earth and that I forbore. But could a man live there ? You do not swim in the fire-river itself ?”

“Oh no,your Honour. Not we. It’s only salamanders live in the fire itself.”

“What kind of beast is your salamander ?”asked the Prince.

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