
“Well,however they work,you can’t expect them to last for- ever,you know,”replied the Marsh-wiggle. “But don’t let your spirits down,Scrubb. I’ve got my eye on the water too,and I don’t think it’s rising so fast as it did.”

“Small comfort,friend,”said the Prince. “If we cannot find our way out. I cry you mercy,all. I am to blame for my pride and fantasy which delayed us by the mouth of the land of Bism. Now, let us ride on.”

During the hour or so that followed Jill sometimes thought that Puddleglum was right about the lamps,and sometimes thought it was only her imagination. Meanwhile,the land was changing. The roof of Underland was so near that even by that dull light they could now see it quite distinctly. And the great,rugged walls of Underland could be seen drawing closer on each side. The road,in fact,was leading them up into a steep tunnel. They began to pass picks and shovels and barrows and other signs that the diggers had recently been at work. If only one could be sure of getting out,all this was very cheering. But the thought of going on into a hole that would get narrower and narrower,and harder to turn back in,was very unpleasant.

At last the roof was so low that Puddleglum and the Prince knocked their heads against it. The party dismounted and led the horses. The road was uneven here and one had to pick one’s steps with some care. That was how Jill noticed the growing darkness. There was no doubt about it now. The faces of the others looked strange and ghastly in the green glow. Then all at once(she couldn’t help it)Jill gave a little scream. One light,the next one ahead,went out altogether. The one behind them did the same. Then they were in absolute darkness.

“Courage,friends,”came Prince Rilian’s voice. “Whether we live or die Aslan will be our good lord.”

“That’s right,Sir,”said Puddleglum’s voice. “And you must always remember there’s one good thing about being trapped down here:it’ll save funeral expenses.”

Jill held her tongue. (If you don’t want other people to know how frightened you are,this is always a wise thing to do;it’s your voice that gives you away.)

“We might as well go on as stand here,”said Eustace;and when she heard the tremble in his voice,Jill knew how wise she’d been not to trust her own.

Puddleglum and Eustace went first with their arms stretched out in front of them,for fear of blundering into anything;Jill and the Prince followed,leading the horses.

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死遁后她身陷修罗场是由作者:经殿所著,三号中文网免费提供死遁后她身陷修罗场全文在线阅读。 三秒记住本站:三号中文网 网址:www.3hzw.com 死遁后她身陷修罗场
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