
“A-a-a-h,”gasped the Dryad shuddering as if in pain-shuddering time after time as if under repeated blows. Then all at once she fell sideways as suddenly as if both her feet had been cut from under her. For a second they saw her lying dead on the grass and then she vanished. They knew what had happened. Her tree, miles away,had been cut down.

For a moment the King’s grief and anger were so great that he could not speak. Then he said:

“Come,friends. We must go up river and find the villains who have done this,with all the speed we may. I will leave not one of them alive.”

“Sire,with a good will,”said Jewel.

But Roonwit said,“Sire,be wary in your just wrath. There are strange doings on foot. If there should be rebels in arms further up the valley,we three are too few to meet them. If it would please you to wait while-”

“I will not wait the tenth part of a second,”said the King.“But while Jewel and I go forward,do you gallop as hard as you may to Cair Paravel. Here is my ring for your token. Get me a score of men-at-arms,all well mounted,and a score of Talking Dogs, and ten Dwarfs let them all be fell archers,and a Leopard or so, and Stonefoot the Giant. Bring all these after us as quickly as may be.”

“With a good will,Sire,”said Roonwit. And at once he turned and galloped Eastward down the valley.

The King strode on at a great pace,sometimes muttering to himself and sometimes clenching his fists. Jewel walked beside him,saying nothing; so there was no sound between them but the faint jingle of a rich gold chain that hung round the Unicorn’s neck and the noise of two feet and four hoofs.

They soon reached the River and turned up it where there was a grassy road:they had the water on their left and the forest on their right. Soon after that they came to the place where the ground grew rougher and thick wood came down to the water’s edge. The road, what there was of it,now ran on the Southern bank and they had to ford the River to reach it. It was up to Tirian’s arm-pits,but Jewel who had four legs and was therefore steadier kept on his right so as to break the force of the current,and Tirian put his strong arm round the Unicorn’s strong neck and they both got safely over. The King was still so angry that he hardly noticed the cold of the water. But of course he dried his sword very carefully on the shoulder of his cloak,which was the only dry part of him,as soon as they came to shore.

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wolfanswer7 。
《我身邊的女人》是wolfanswer7 。精心創作的辣文。這是一個關於愛、友情、成長和冒險的故事,這個故事充滿了想象力和奇幻色彩,同時也蘊含着深刻的人生哲理和情感共鳴,它會讓讀者感受到生命的美好和無限可能,適合所有年齡段的讀者閱讀。守護中文實時更新我身邊的女人最新章節並且提供無彈窗閱讀。
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