
JILL felt something tickling her ear. It was Jewel the Unicorn, whispering to her with the wide whisper of a horse’s mouth. As soon as she heard what he was saying she nodded and tip-toed back to where Puzzle was standing. Quickly and quietly she cut the last cords that bound the lion-skin to him. It wouldn’t do for him to be caught with that on,after what the Ape had said! She would like to have hidden the skin somewhere very far away,but it was too heavy. The best she could do was to kick it in among the thickest bushes. Then she made signs to Puzzle to follow her and they both joined the others.

The Ape was speaking again.

“And after a horrid thing like that,Aslan-Tashlan-is angrier than ever. He says he’s been a great deal too good to you,coming out every night to be looked at,see! Well,he’s not coming out any more.”

Howls and mewings and squeals and grunts were the Animals’ answer to this,but suddenly a quite different voice broke in with a loud laugh.

“Hark what the monkey says,”it shouted.“We know why he isn’t going to bring his precious Aslan out. I’ll tell you why: because he hasn’t got him. He never had anything except an old donkey with a lion-skin on its back. Now he’s lost that and he doesn’t know what to do.”

Tirian could not see the faces on the other side of the fire very well but he guessed this was Griffle the Chief Dwarf. And he was quite certain of it when,a second later,all the Dwarfs’ voices joined in,singing:“Don’t know what to do! Don’t know what to do! Don’t know what to do-o-o!”

“Silence!”thundered Rishda Tarkaan.“Silence,children of mud! Listen to me,you other Narnians,lest I give command to my warriors to fall upon you with the edge of the sword. The Lord Shift has already told you of that wicked Ass. Do you think, because of him that there is no real Tashlan in the stable! Do you ? Beware,beware.”

“No,no,”shouted most of the crowd. But the Dwarfs said, “That’s right,Darkie,you’ve got it. Come on,Monkey,show us what’s in the stable,seeing is believing.”

When next there was a moment’s quiet the Ape said:“You Dwarfs think you’re very clever,don’t you ? But not so fast. I never said you couldn’t see Tashlan. Anyone who likes can see him.”

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【最近剛開了新文呀,跪求各位人美心善的小天使們捧個場,點我專欄——《她死後皇帝瘋了》(書穿)文案可見下,求收藏呀!!!】 —— 本文文案①:酥酥永遠都忘不了初見元澧時的場景,作爲東源國的太子,他親自率軍殺入皇宮,又在衆星捧月下緩緩向皇后她們走近,俊美尊貴,宛如神祇。 他濺血的臉上緩緩勾起了一抹嗜血的冷笑,然後利落出劍,親手捅死了西煙國最尊貴的皇后與公主。 也就是東源國的前皇后,以及他同父異母的親
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