
TIRIAN had thought-or he would have thought if he had time to think at all-that they were inside a little thatched stable,about twelve feet long and six feet wide. In reality they stood on grass, the deep blue sky was overhead,and the air which blew gently on their faces was that of a day in early summer. Not far away from them rose a grove of trees,thickly leaved,but under every leaf there peeped out the gold or faint yellow or purple or glowing red of fruits such as no one has seen in our world. The fruit made Tirian feel that it must be autumn but there was something in the feel of the air that told him it could not be later than June. They all moved towards the trees.

Everyone raised his hand to pick the fruit he best liked the look of,and then everyone paused for a second. This fruit was so beautiful that each felt“It can’t be meant for me... surely we’re not allowed to pluck it.”

“It’s all right,”said Peter.“I know what we’re all thinking.

But I’m sure,quite sure,we needn’t. I’ve a feeling we’ve got to the country where everything is allowed.”

“Here goes,then!”said Eustace. And they all began to eat.

What was the fruit like ? Unfortunately no one can describe a taste. All I can say is that,compared with those fruits,the freshest grapefruit you’ve ever eaten was dull,and the juiciest orange was dry,and the most melting pear was hard and woody, and the sweetest wild strawberry was sour. And there were no seeds or stones,and no wasps. If you had once eaten that fruit,all the nicest things in this world would taste like medicines after it. But I can’t describe it. You can’t find out what it is like unless you can get to that country and taste it for yourself.

When they had eaten enough,Eustace said to King Peter,“You haven’t yet told us how you got here. You were just going to, when King Tirian turned up.”

“There’s not much to tell,”said Peter.“Edmund and I were standing on the platform and we saw your train coming in. I remember thinking it was taking the bend far too fast. And I remember thinking how funny it was that our people were probably in the same train though Lucy didn’t know about it-”

“Your people,High King ?”said Tirian.

“I mean my Father and Mother-Edmund’s and Lucy’s and mine.”

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關於影視那些年我們的意難平: 無數不願轉生的女配炮灰齊聚地府,他們散發的大量怨氣形成霧霾,嚴重影響了地府的生態環境。爲了解決這些問題,輪迴司主管呂雉聯手穿越司主管阿嬌共同打造了一檔名爲地府重生大抽獎的綜藝節目。每位被抽中的孤魂都可獲得一次重生機會,用來打臉復仇彌補遺憾待怨氣消散便可輪迴轉生1.爲有暗香來妾室紅豆2.仙劍奇俠傳三鳳羽公主3.小魚兒與花無缺江玉燕4.蘭陵王鄭兒5.天仙配張巧嘴6.香蜜
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關於神明降世,看見血條的我殺瘋了!: ——“來嘛來嘛,來挨一刀!”“不死?血條清零,就會死!”“只要有血條,神明也殺給你看!”世界的暗面、殘破的版圖、來自深淵的異種……身後沒有燈火,身前白霧茫茫。有人相信光,有人滅了光,那些夾在中間的人又當如何抉擇?——深淵降臨,異種入侵。長夜紀元,神明不死?少年看向空中太陽:那裏有着一長串血條。“神明?就你剛纔亮的血條是吧?”
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林塵因被青梅竹馬迫害,意外得到古老傳承,從此踏上逆天途!我爲帝尊,辱我者殺,阻我者死! 太初帝尊
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【最近剛開了新文呀,跪求各位人美心善的小天使們捧個場,點我專欄——《她死後皇帝瘋了》(書穿)文案可見下,求收藏呀!!!】 —— 本文文案①:酥酥永遠都忘不了初見元澧時的場景,作爲東源國的太子,他親自率軍殺入皇宮,又在衆星捧月下緩緩向皇后她們走近,俊美尊貴,宛如神祇。 他濺血的臉上緩緩勾起了一抹嗜血的冷笑,然後利落出劍,親手捅死了西煙國最尊貴的皇后與公主。 也就是東源國的前皇后,以及他同父異母的親
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