i will ugh with you and cry with you
i will love you faithfully
through the best and the worst,
through the difficult and the easy
what ys be there
as i have given you y hand to hold
i give you y life to keep
help god
不斷回想起來的,是在婚禮上,年輕而英俊托比亞斯內普嘴角帶着掩飾不住的微笑,認真的念着結婚誓言的樣子,是透過頭紗望去一片朦朧潔白而夢幻的世界,是交換戒指時候他掀開頭紗兩人對望時的雙眼,是再也回不去的過去……艾琳喃喃自語着結婚誓詞,在多少年之後,再一次睡在了這個始終放不下的男人的懷裏。“…… help rl……”