第179章 保羅·加文 (第3/5頁)
加文瞥了洛根一眼,淡淡的說道:“so, what's your conclusion?【那麼,你的結論是什麼?】”
洛根低頭想了想,說道:“he in i thought, not only has the ability of fire, but the kind of purple and black flame that fire has never nd he ve the ability to travel through space, but i don't think the chinese should n.【他比我想象的要強大,不僅有火焰能力,那種火焰從來沒見過的紫黑色火焰。而且他似乎有能穿梭空間的能力,但我覺得那個華夏人應該不會破壞我們的計劃。】”
“purple-black flames, and ce...【紫黑色的火焰,還有穿梭空間……】”加文沉思了起來,眼神中閃過一絲忌憚。
“things are getting interesting……【事情變得有趣了……】””加文嘴角上揚,露出一個詭異的笑容。
“what should we do next, mr. garvin?【接下來我們該怎麼辦,加文先生?】”洛根請示道。
加文思索片刻,說道:“for now, let'nd nt to know more about thind his abilities.【現在,我們先觀察一下。我想了解更多關於這個中國人的能力和他背後的故事。】”