“hennrey,thity of indai tea.hennrey這是印度奶茶的特色”summuy胖乎乎的黑臉笑着道:“you need to stay here for long time,shoud to get used to it你要長期呆在這裏,要適應這口味呀”
亦嘉不在客套,問道:“小青龍現在是什麼價格?(plz tell me what;s price for spriny lobster)”
“the price is determined by quanity龍蝦價格由數量來決定” summuy 說道:“the price for ten kg quanity is highter 3-5dollars than hundred kgs, and the price for hundred kgs irs than three hundred kgs, the more you buy the cheaper 十公斤的數量與一百公斤的價格要貴3—5美元,一百公斤的數量與三百公斤的價格要貴3美元,購買數量越多越便宜”
看樣子他們的生意經與中國人的思維理念一樣,那就好辦了,亦嘉想,於是問道:“understanding,plz tell me what‘s price if i purchase per 2 hundred kgs for every shipping”好的,知道了,若是每次發二百公斤,是什麼價格)”
“jull king等一下,我打電話問下供應商”說着便打電話給供應商,之後說道:“今天價格是每公斤23美元(price it today)”
亦嘉心裏盤算着,20美元加上運費3美元,加上關稅3美元即29美元,加上死亡率大概1美元,到上海成本大約27美元每公斤,按當時匯率1:8即每公斤成本爲216元,按行情每公斤可以賣到260元,每公斤僅40元的利潤,於是道:“summuy,the price iusee i need little profit價格不便宜,請降低一點,我需要一點利潤 ”
“the price will be negatiated at the time of shipping,dont worry hennrey!you can do only have profit 在準備發貨時我們再商談價格,別擔心hennrey,只有利潤後你才能做生意”印度人喜歡揚眉睜眼,這黑鬼也不例外,他揚下眉頭露出白牙笑道:“hennrey,i will offer you good price,and ll size 100-200g for you, so you will get more profit if ll size, big nge pore(我儘量爭取優惠的價格給你,同時也挑選好的規格給你,你們中國人不是喜歡100—200克的嗎?到時我多挑些小規格給你,不就有利潤了嗎?大規格的發去新加坡)。”他頓了頓,看亦嘉還在猶豫,又道:“i will selection good flight for you ,maybe is emirates flight need 28hourirport,lity will less我會選擇好的航班給你,可能是阿聯酋的航班,只需要28個小時即可到達上海浦東機場,那樣死亡率很低”
“how about mortality?死亡率怎麼樣?”亦嘉問。
“mortality 5%,i will guarantee.(死亡率保證在5%以內) ”黑鬼summuy信心滿滿道。
“the mean you no need offer any lose if lobster died not covered 5%?more than 5%you will share with me together意思是龍蝦死亡率在5%之內由我來承擔,超出5%的部分我們倆一起承擔”亦嘉問着。