




“Good morning teachers, Im glad to have a chance to make a speech hereMy name is ranyunyan。

Im here today to be an English teacher in our school I believe that a good teacher is not just someone who imparts knowledge but also someone who inspires and motivates students to think critically and creatively

My goal as an English teacher would be to create an engaging and supportive learning environment where students can explore the language while also developing their communication skills

Thank you for considering my application I look forward to the possibility of joining your team and contributing to the success of your students educational journey”


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小說《陰緣結》桑鯉/著,陰緣結全文閱讀 簡而言之,這是段關於悲催女主被豪取強奪逼着嫁入裴家,結果男方婚前死翹翹,又連蒙帶騙結了場陰親,最後沒想到卻陰差陽錯嫁給了一個惡毒女鬼,還被對方尋上門算賬的心酸經歷。 天吶,這真是一個悲傷的故事。 《牡丹亭》裏有云:“情不知所起,一往而深。生者可以死,死可以生。生而不可與死,死而不可復生者,皆非情之至也。” ————若說這生死由天,愛恨卻是由人。陰陽不能相絕
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